Irssi: IRC Client on Atomic Host¶
Irssi is a Terminal Based IRC Client for Unix/Linux based systems. This page shows how to run Irssi on Atomic Host.
First you will need to boot up an atomic host
Copy the Sources down from here Fedora Dockerfile for Irssi.
- Perform the build with the following command:
docker build -t fedora/irssi .
- After the build is successful run the container with the following command:
atomic run fedora/irssi
This will start Irssi.
Irssi Commands¶
To Connect to Server:
To Connect to Channel:
/join #fedora
To leave Channel:
/part #fedora
To Set nick:
/set nick username
To Identify nick:
/msg nickserv identify password
To Change nick:
/nick username1
More Commands¶
Command | Description |
/ban | Sets or lists bans for a channel |
/clear | Clears a channel buffer |
/disconnect | Disconnects from the network that has focus |
/exit | Disconnects client from all networks and returns to shell prompt |
/join | Joins a channel |
/kick | Kicks a user out |
/kickban | Kickbans a user |
/msg | Sends a private message to a user |
/names | Lists the users in the current channel |
/query | Opens a query window with a user or closes a current query window |
/topic | Displays/edits the current topic |
/unban | Unbans everyone |
/whois | Displays user information |
/window close | Forces closure of a window |
Further Reading: To know more about Irssi visit